So whether we like it or not, the behaviors that make us happy, and that are actually good for us - giving, helping, sharing - are actually discouraged by our current economic system. If giving, helping, and sharing are so good for us, how come we don't incorporate them into our economy?
- Judith Manshanden
What is Pay What You Can Pricing?

Pay What You Can (PWYC) pricing is a way for us to truly be in community with each other. It's a way for us to say "it's not fair that only SOME people can afford support and care". It's a way for us to pay it forward and keep important self-care accessible to all. It is definitely a mind stretch. We have to choose to "opt out" of a typical capitalist model. We see how capitalism prioritizes ME and GET and MORE. Pay What You Can pricing emphasizes WE and GIVE and ENOUGH. Rather than creating a fancy marketing page where I convince you that you neeeeeed what I have, I'd rather build relationships based on trust: you trust that I can offer you what I'm describing, and I trust that the community (including you!) will be sure that my needs are met too.
It only works if we are in this together and we both understand the WHY behind it. Some things that form the WHY for me: Community Care (we are only as healthy as our communities and the most vulnerable folks in them), Equity & Access - I want wide and inclusive access for this work. I dream of a world where everyone has the ability to tap into self-care and creativity if they want to.
How can I know that everyone choosing their price won't just give me $5 and call it good? I don't know. But here's what I do know and can talk about: I believe in the goodness and generosity of people. I believe that people are generally trying to do their very best. I believe folks are generous and care about their community and will want to make access like this happen. I believe folks care about ME and want to ensure that I'm compensated for what I bring. So I trust in those things.
I believe, too, that we have to begin to BE the change we'd like to see in our world. I'd like to see the capitalist model of bigger-better-MORE come crashing down. I'd like to see us elevate people over profits. I'd like to see self-care and art and poetry and deep community connection available to anyone and everyone who wants it, regardless of their ability to shell out big bucks. That's the change I'd like to see. These are some of the ideas and reasons behind why I choose to use a Pay What You Can philosophy.
If you'd like to read more, you can check out this blog post I wrote.
It only works if we are in this together and we both understand the WHY behind it. Some things that form the WHY for me: Community Care (we are only as healthy as our communities and the most vulnerable folks in them), Equity & Access - I want wide and inclusive access for this work. I dream of a world where everyone has the ability to tap into self-care and creativity if they want to.
How can I know that everyone choosing their price won't just give me $5 and call it good? I don't know. But here's what I do know and can talk about: I believe in the goodness and generosity of people. I believe that people are generally trying to do their very best. I believe folks are generous and care about their community and will want to make access like this happen. I believe folks care about ME and want to ensure that I'm compensated for what I bring. So I trust in those things.
I believe, too, that we have to begin to BE the change we'd like to see in our world. I'd like to see the capitalist model of bigger-better-MORE come crashing down. I'd like to see us elevate people over profits. I'd like to see self-care and art and poetry and deep community connection available to anyone and everyone who wants it, regardless of their ability to shell out big bucks. That's the change I'd like to see. These are some of the ideas and reasons behind why I choose to use a Pay What You Can philosophy.
If you'd like to read more, you can check out this blog post I wrote.
How to Choose Your Price
Some things to consider when choosing your price:
- Check your personal budget/finances. What's reasonable for you?
- Check your privilege. Are you someone who typically has easy access to offerings like this? Is it usually not very challenging for you to get a massage or take a class or otherwise pursue hobbies and self-care?
- Remember that it's not about getting a "good deal". It's about keeping enough cash flow in the community pool to make this work sustainable.
- Decide if you can add a little extra - think about it like putting some $ into a scholarship fund.
- CHOOSE YOUR NUMBER and FEEL GOOD ABOUT IT. Seriously, I don't want you feeding your family ramen for a month just so you can pay me more. Also, I hope this does genuinely stretch people who have access to wealth and privilege to consider giving generously. I trust you. I know you'll choose exactly the amount that is right for you, and ultimately that will be the right number for US - you, me and the whole community benefits!
Want to see some other cool Pay What You Can ideas?